Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine October 2016 | Page 184

Information submitted by The Kalinago Territory

The Kalinago people are the first people of the Eastern Caribbean preferably referred to as the Caribbean indigenous people . According to archeological findings , evidence support that they have been occupying the Caribbean archipelago for more than six thousand years .

The Kalinago Territory is located on the East North eastern belt of the island of Ouitoucoubouli ( Dominica ) in an area popularly known as the ( Carib ) Kalinago Territory .
Approximately 20 % of the national population of Dominica are either Kalinago or have the Kalinago bloodline flowing through their veins . Presently the population of the Kalinago Territory is estimated to be in the region of 4000 . They live under semi-autonomous conditions since they have , what is described as a Carib Act part of the laws of Dominica . The Kalinago People continue to build their traditional canoes , weave their handicrafts and constantly fish and farming but do very little hunting .
Through the advent of television , computers , internet , and road communication there is a very serious threat that is constantly affecting the Kalinago People especially the Kalinago women who , through none Kalinago partners , are rapidly changing the race of the people and from the government ’ s stand point there is a level of forced integration .
What is unique about the Kalinago culture is that they continue to use their arts , crafts , cuisine and traditional way of life as a means of their economic sustenance for our livelihood . They continue to maintain their indigenous ethnicity so as to maintain their cultural identity .

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