Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine July 2018 | Page 296

Barahona “The Pearl of the South” Barahona is located in the southwest of the country and remains one of the last frontiers for tourism. Made up of amazing natural beaches, unspoiled waterfalls, and rugged ranges of mountain pine, the area offers eco- friendly expansions that preserve the rare biosphere, specifically the Jaragua-Bahoruco- Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve, which was added to UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves in 2002. Laguna de Oviedo The saltwater lake, located in the Jaragua National Park, is one of the Caribbean’s most important ecological reserves and is the second largest body of water in the Dominican Republic after Lake Enriquillo. There are mangrove swamps and 24 keys in the center of the lagoon, which visitors can see during a three-hour boat tour. Here, colonies of Ricord and Rhinoceros iguanas live and migratory and endemic birds nest, including the royal and Blue Heron, gulls, Spoonbill Pelicans, parrots and flamingos. © Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism