Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine July 2017 | Page 297

rful and matic e’s Market Credit: honestcooking.com from the blazing Caribbean sunshine, under vibrantly coloured umbrellas. Even if you’re not buying anything, you will definitely be able to appreciate the beautiful display of fresh island produce, the captivating smell of nutmegs, mace, cloves and other spices; local cocoa balls, tamarind balls, sauces, guava jams, guava jellies, guava “cheese”, local fudge, local rum and everything Grenadian. All of these things combine perfectly to produce a lovely spicy smell, which disperses languidly into the air, hovering there throughout the day. Add to that the lovely, colourful sight of the stalls, with the shoppers milling around, all focused on the day’s task of obtaining produce for the week’s consumption, or merely browsing, and you’ll have seen the almost-perfect picture. But, the picture’s not yet complete - there’s the food. What’s your pleasure? Boiled corn, pig’s feet souse, maybe a roti? You may see an occasional vendor passing by with local food for sale. You may also see young men selling freshly caught crabs, still alive and tied securely with strings - curried crab with dumplings, anyone? The St. George’s Market with its alluring cacophony of voices, spicy aroma, beautifully crafted local souvenirs, colourful stalls and friendly locals will always be an interesting place to visit. Put it on your list.