Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine January 2017 | Page 446

Roger Roberts
20 years later and after many ups and downs and twists and turns and challenges and triumphs and losses and gains , we still find ourselves excited at the prospect of engaging the ritual cycle of life , death and rebirth that is the Carnival all over again as we have dutifully done since 1994 .
The Jouvay is our constant , the Jouvay is our muse , the Jouvay is our guide to exploring who we are and what time it is , time after time after time . It is indeed a blessing to find our selves still excited and ready to make new songs and make new shows and engage new audiences and challenge our growth by working with a new generation of players and makers and believers in what we do as we seek to push the limits of possibility and passionately pursue what WE may be .

1997-2017 Celebrating 20 years of Making A Statement

Blue Forever , Forever Blue .

Wendell Manwarren
Stanton Kewley 442

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Photographer Alvin K. Henry
