Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine April 2017 | Page 513



Vistors coming to TCI often crave foods that are authentically Turks and Caicos . The cuisine has unique power to stamp a way of doing , a way of being , a way of knowing and a way of preserving what is essentially ours . For decades , the main dishes of the TCI had a fish base , both scale and shellconch - converted into sumptuous spicy conch fritters , conch salad and conch stew ; lobster transformed from the clear mollusk to white delicious broiled or baked dish . Fish is a “ regular ” for most people and tourists are always happy when they can sample some delicious grouper , snapper , bone fish and the like . While these are native dishes , the lobster is seasonal as the once abundant source has been depleted through poaching and bad fishing practices . These are served alongside peas and rice , okra and rice , cabbage and rice , fried plantain and avocado pear . Yesteryear saw an abundance of buds and rice , more commonly called pear bush and rice . There is also the well sought after crab and rice or crab soup , even among the locals . Breads are baked , including the infamous potato bread coming out of Middle and North Caicos . Johnny cake goes well with hot spicy pork or chicken spouse . These were the traditional dishes that have stood the test of time , however , it cannot be overlooked that a number of the country ' s traditional dishes are gradually being replaced by more international foods .
Photo Credit : Nikita ( Chef Nick ) Skippings , TCI Culinary Ambassador

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