Mzumbe University - 2017 Convocation Newsletter Mzumbe newsletter_final-2e | Page 25

practice? Or specifically whether the proposed study is a basic, pure, fundamental, evaluation or applied research? Or if it is an action research or an evaluation study what sort of contribution to knowledge or practice (problem solving) is expected? In case of action and evaluation studies it may be the generation of knowledge in the adoption of methods by an applicant such as randomization, matching methods, double difference method, instrumental variable method, among others (Milanzi, 2017). 2) The hint on the philosophical or theoretical information related to the current and previous studies in the topic. At this level it is not expected that the applicant/student can exhaustively address all philosophical and theoretical issues related to the area or the topic in which an investigation will be carried out. But, it is possible that the student should be able to provide the hint (scanty or limited knowledge) on the state of knowledge or practice pertaining to the scientific advancement related to the expected or proposed study problem area. 3) A proposed methodology and/or a research approach (strategy) that will be suitable in the study. An applicant or a student must rationalize the choice of the approach and methodology and he/she should be able to indicate that he/ she is conversant with the selection he/she has made. The applicant should show the relevance of the proposed method(s) and approach(es) and how will they tally with the formulated objectives, research problem and hypotheses (research questions). study the contribution of workers councils in public institutions in Tanzania? 5) Other criteria/issues: show that an applicant or student has a keen interest to undertake an advanced degree on the topic he/she has identified. In addition, the applicant/student should also show that he/she has an ability to do an advanced study in terms of time, devotion and other resources with minimum and reasonable level of supervision. I am expecting that this guide will help a reader and the would-be applicant or the student to organize his/her mind and then be able to prepare a short Concept Note (of less than five pages, for example) that can be submitted to the School or relevant Department for scrutiny and approval. A Concept Note is not a conversational telephone call or a one or two (lobbying) visits to the Department of the University by the applicant/student requesting for admission or permission to go to the field for data collection. The Concept Note is the document that shows a discourse which the student/applicant would like to pursue. I would like to show how a generic Concept Note should look like. I first assume that the proposed Concept Note structure in this article can be used and applied by any person originating from any natural science or social science discipline to convince the academic department that what she/he intends to do is worth scientific, worth doing and worth developing the research plan (Proposal). Second, it is upon the student to shape his/ her Concept Note to fit the specific requirements which the academic department concerned would like to read or know about the problem area. Hence, the contents of the Concept Note I am proposing 4) A compatibility of the proposed study to the are:- national, institutional goals and the overall research agenda. Is the topic worth research in 1) The title of the study: preferably it should have the context of the national, institutional and the average of eight words. Avoid redundant research agenda priorities? Whose research words in the title. For example, M.C.Milanzi agenda? For instance, why someone wants to (2004) PhD Thesis twas entitled The Application 25 Convocation Newsletter | 2017