My UAB Medicine Toolkit Pateint Guide | Page 12


Here are some ways you can be involved :
• Listen carefully when the risks , benefits , and alternatives of any procedure are being explained – repeat what the doctors and nurses say in your own words and take notes .
• Ask any questions you have – speak up if something is unclear or confusing and keep asking until you understand .
• Only agree to those things that you fully understand .
• Remember that you have many rights as a patient including the right to refuse any treatments .
• Provide complete and accurate information about your medical history , conditions , and allergies .
• Let us know if you are participating in a research study .
• If you are having surgery , participate with the care team in marking your surgical site .
• Tell us who your family members or friends are and how you want them to be involved .
• Use the My Workbook section of this Toolkit to write down any questions , notes , or information .


Nursing and clinical staff will visit you throughout the day to make sure you are comfortable and all your care needs are met . We call this “ hourly rounding ”, and we will round on you once each hour while you are awake and every two hours through the night . We will ask about your pain and any other discomfort you may be experiencing . We will also assist you to the restroom and make sure you have everything you need within reach . If at any time during your stay you feel you are not getting very good care , please let us know . Speak up ! This is your time to ask questions and be an advocate for yourself or your loved one .
Quiet Time
A calm and healing environment can support the patient ’ s sleep , health and overall recovery . While we try to decrease noise , feel free to close your door when resting and notify us if we are being too loud . Tune to channel 116 on your television , which provides music to help you relax .


Every hospital visit is unique . Please check with your care team regarding what might be appropriate to bring or keep with you while in the hospital . We urge you to leave any valuables at home or send them home with family members . We know that trips to the hospital are not always expected . Therefore , if you have any valuables needing to be secured in the hospital safe , please let your nurse know and they will be able to assist . UAB is not responsible for valuables kept in patient rooms . uabmedicine . org 9