My first Publication WIPED magazine | Page 13

Sako Nku, 20 S AC E M S F. CE PT IT E . MY VITILGO MAK M ako wasn’t born with vitiligo, it started to appear at the age of 14/15; “I remember in year 10 my friend looked at me and said ‘Sako you have felt tip on your face, go wash it off ’ and so I did but nothing came off. The doctors told me the pigment in my skin was dying and they had given me a cream, but it didn’t work. I came across someone else with vitiligo, and he told me that his had grown with stress and I’ve realised now that mine grows when I’m going through exam seasons. At a young age, people would always ask me questions, but I never knew what to say as I didn’t really understand it myself, but now I’m more confident as its part of my identity. I now use it to my advantage with my modelling career.” Vitiligo is beautiful Issue 01 | W I P E D | 13