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Did You Know EXTINCT BREEDS OF CATS By CC Editorial Team We see that furry animals are popular among our human population and mostly, it is divided in two groups: The Dog Lovers and The Cat Lovers. Yet, there are some true animal lovers, who do not care whether it is a dog or a cat or a rabbit! They want to know it all about them. This article is about some of the rarest species of cats, which might have existed at some point of time but are now just a mythical character and some that still exist with certain obvious mutations. FLAT-HEADED CAT A s per the zoological records, it is a fl at-headed cat, native to the  Th ai-Malay Peninsula,  Borneo, and  Sumatra; an endangered specie, because the wild population probably comprises fewer than 2,500 mature individuals, with small sub populations of no more than 250 adults. Most of these cats are inhabitants of  wetlands, which are now being destroyed and converted-the very reason, that it is listed on the IUCN Red List since 2008. It was initially placed in the  genus-  Felis, but is now considered one of the fi ve best species in Prionailurus. Flat- headed cats are very rare in captivity, with fewer than 10 individuals, all kept in Malaysian and Th ai zoos as recorded by Species360 THE OREGON REX T his could have been an exotic spiecie, if it were allowed to keep as a pet.It is one of the several breeds of domestic cats with the Rex coat variation. Rex means King. It looks so royal, that it has been named so.In the mid-20th-century, it occurred from spontaneous genetic mutation. Wow! Does it not sound like a scene from the comic Ninja Turtles (applied on cats) come true? Anyway, by now, due to crossbreeding with other Rex types, this breed has mixed with pthers of its type, like theDevon Rex or Cornish Rex. Th e fi rst documented case of an Oregon Rex cat is traced back to a litter of cats in the U.S. state  of  Oregon  in 1955. Aspecifi c kitten diff ered from its siblings and its mother by having a curly coat, whereas the rest of themhad a straight fur. 30 Creature Companion | April 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 4 • Noida