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Cat Breed Savannah cat is known for its loyalty and it will follow its owners all around the house. It can be trained to fetch and walk with a leash. It is reported to be a very social and friendly creature with new people and other dogs and cats as well In the early days of 1990, domestic out- cross had greatly impacted the desired and non-desired development traits of cats. Most breeders perform Savannah to Savannah pairings because out crossing is considered less than desired and there is no longer out-crosses required for Savannah breed. Th at is because TICA championship status for it has been achieved. A Savannah’s exotic look is oft en due to the presence of many distinguishing characteristics such as various color markings; tall, deeply cupped, wide, rounded, erect ears; very long legs; fat puff y noses, and hooded eyes. Th e body of Savannah appears long and leggy when it stands. Its hind-end is oft en higher than its prominent shoulders. Its small head can be called taller, rather than being considered wide and it has a beautiful long, slender neck. Th e back of the ears have Ocelli, a central light band bordered by black, dark grey or brown; giving an eye-like eff ect. Its short tail has black rings, with a black tip.Th e eyes are blue as a kitten, and may be green, brown, gold or a blended shade as an adult.Th e eyes of Savannah are boomerang in shape, with a hooded brow to protect them from harsh sunlight. Savannah cat is known for its loyalty and it will follow its owners all around the house. It can be trained to fetch and walk with a leash. It is reported to be a very social and friendly creature with new people and other dogs and cats as well. While some may run and hide or revert by growling and hissing when seeing other stranger, Savannah does not have any such inhibitions in meeting new people. Th e key factor in sociability as Savannah kittens grow up is exposure to other people and pets. Th e most-noted trait of the Savannah is its ability to jump, they jump on top doors, refrigerators and high cabinets. It can leap about 8ft high from a standing position. It is very inquisitive and learns how to open doors and cupboards. Anyone buying a Savannah will likely need to take special precautions to prevent it from getting in into troubles such as injuries from iron nails or any open sharp objects kept in the environment. Th ere are three basic factors that aff ect the character of the Savannah cat behavior: Lineage, Generation and Socialization. If a bred line has a tendency for a specifi c behavior over other behavior, it is likely to be passed to the breed lines of the off spring. Laws governing ownership of Savannah cats are diff erent in diff erent countries, for example- some states in United States have restrictive laws on hybrid cat ownership, including Hawaii, Massachusetts, Texas and Georgia, but Savannahs are more than fi ve generations from the serval, hence they are allowed to be owned in New York states, but not in the city of New York. Th e Australian Federal government has banned the importation of the Savannah cat in Australia, as the larger cats could potentially threaten species of the country’s native wildlife which usually are not threatened by smaller domestic cats. Savannah cats are legal in every province of Canada, although some provinces have restrictions on the ownership of F1 and F2 generations and importing from United States requires rabies vaccination and special permits. In India, the law is that no animal shall be domesticated who’s natural home is forest within the geographical boundary of India; in other words Savannah can be domesticated here. *Assistant Editor Creature Companion Magazine 16 Creature Companion | April 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 4 • Noida