My first Magazine | Page 11

February 2017 Page 11

Skill Letts

An in house journal of Additional Skill Acquisition Programme
Brynjolfsson an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) and coauthor of “ Second Machine age ” says . " The computer processor doubles in power every 18 months , 10 times greater every five years which is a very different scale of advancement that ’ s affecting a broader set of the economy than the steam engine did . With the faster pace of technological advancement now what made the women ’ s in printing press to lose jobs in 10 years will happen in less than 5years .
There are predictions that in next decade the waves of automation will wash away jobs in transportation and logistics occupations , bulk of office and administrative support workers and labour in production occupations . Researchers say cooks , gardeners , repairmen , carpenters , dentists , and home health aides are not about to be replaced by machines in the short term . All of these professions involve a lot of sensorimotor work , and many of them also require the skills of ideation , large-frame pattern recognition , and complex communication ." Occupations that require social skills like teaching , healthcare , sales and management have bright future as it is difficult to be replicated by machines .
Technological change demands stronger and more continuous connection between education and employment . Today Robotics and Artificial Intelligence call for another education revolution . Countries need longterm overhaul of education systems . The advancement of technology at a greater speed is a tough Jallikattu for not only to Mr . Trump but to all Governments in providing jobs and educating the youths .
Amazon - The e-commerce giant snapped up Kiva Robotics in 2012 now has 30,000 fulfilment robots working in its warehouses worldwide and the company is expected to replace all employees who perform repetitive tasks with machines .
Uber- The ride-sharing app is testing self-driving cars on the roads of San Francisco aiming to replace all human drivers with robots .
Master card / Pizza hut - MasterCard has teamed up with Pizza Hut to roll out cashier and customer service robots at the firm ' s restaurants in China .
Marriot hotels - Robot helps human hotel staff check in guests at the Ghent Marriott Hotel in Belgium
ING -A major Dutch bank , is replacing 5,800 human staff with robots .