My first Magazine EE 2017 Page 1 - 44 | Page 37

No 14, Year 14, May 2017 Page 37 Our favourite teacher is Mr Dražen Žućko Riddles – prepared by Ana Abramović and Nera Rašić, 5.d 1. Clean,but not water, White, but not snow, Sweet, but not ice_cream. What is it? 2. What is always coming,but never arrives? 3. What kind of an apple isnt apple? 4. What teaches without saying? 5. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it,you dont have it. 6. It has two hands, but no arms? Why? “ He is our favourite teacher because he talks about interesting cities and people from the past...And about our planet Earth. He is fun, clever, smart, cool, happy, awsome... He is connected to us and he loves us. “ 7. Im in the sky. I'm white,I'm round, but not always sometimes you see me, sometimes you don't. What am I? 8. What occures once in every minute,twice in every moment,and never in a thousand years? 9. What always runs,but never walks.Murmurs but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps? 10. What is in the middle of nowhere? Answers: raguS, worromoT, elppaeniP, koob a, terces A, kcolc A, nooM, M, revir A, H Class 5.d has chosen their best teacher – it is Mr. Dražen Žućko, their classmaster and also their history and geography teacher. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺