My first Magazine EE 2017 Page 1 - 44 | Page 16

Page 16 No 14, Year 14, May 2017 E-DNEVNICI – ELECTRONIC REGISTERS THE LATEST NEWS. THE LATEST NEWS. THE LATEST NEWS. THE LATEST NEWS. THE LATEST In the school year 2016/2017 we introduced e-registers No more forgetting registers in the staff room or in the gym… no more overloaded blue books with tons of paper (parents’ and doctor’s notes, lists and certificates…) NEWS. THE LATEST NEWS. THE LATEST NEWS. THE LATEST NEWS. THE LATEST COMPETITION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2017 On 25nd January 14 students took part in the competition in our school. The best results were achieved by Nikola Trebus and Laura Banić (54/60 points), Sara Gnjidić (51/60) and Nika Skala (45/60). Four of them gained the necessary points to be invited to the County level competition which took place in Dobriše Cesarića primary school on 21st February 2017. Nikola Trebus, 8.c was 8th with 87/90 points, Sara Gnjidić, 8.b was 21st (74/90) and Nika Skala, 8.a was 27th (68/90) (215 students took part in the county competition.) Their mentor and teacher is Mrs Ivanka Hitner Congratulations!