My first Magazine | Page 20

The multi-tasking conundrum

By Deon Coetzee

Photography skill without marketing and business effort is just a hobby!

Photographic skill is just one of the aspects of a successful photographic business. To run your business well, you also need to be a skilled marketer, accountant, graphic designer and digital editor.

With all these aspects of your business, taking up a lot of your time, you might end up not spending enough time behind the camera. This is also equally as dangerous as spending too much time behind the camera and not giving the needed attention to the business side of things.

How do we keep a balance, or let me put it in different words, how do you get more done in less time?

I was faced with this problem. The very important business side of things took up too much of my time causing damage to my business. For me, it boiled down to multitasking, and luckily we live in the era of the most wonderful apps available to make our job easy.