My first Magazine | Page 4

What's' a "Professional" ?


It used to be that a professional photographer was defined as someone with published work - a magazine cover, an annual report, an editorial or ad campaign and that they earned 100% of their income through photography. And oh yes, a truck-load of photographic equipment.

Well, look where we've landed up. My cousin's aunt's seven year-old iPhone-wielding nephew, posts on Facebook and Instagram. Is she a professional ? Should we admit her ?

Many "Pro's" nowadays, supplement their income by various means - Air B&B income from the garden cottage, carpentry, journalism, bodyguard services to name but a few. So, do we throw them out of the club ?

The best definition I've found is, "Being a professional is about how photographers conduct themselves while carrying out their projects and serving their clients. These are skills that are learned and honed, and those who excel at it deserve respect."

The old "Apprenticeship" programmes, the technical colleges and accredited schools, spent three to four years, teaching the craft of photography, using those archaic physical structures, called classrooms, studios, darkrooms and horror-upon horrors, examinations and reports.

Now, a one week course from somebody with good marketing skills and a website, a webinar, a few Youtube videos and a R 5,000 DSLR kit and you're a qualified professional. Hmmmmpfh !!!!!

It's simply not possible to convince "unlicensed drivers" that they're destroying the fabric of our society or that not holding our pillars of learning in high esteem, is destroying our education system.

Our best "shot" is to truly lead by example. Here's a short list for all of us to strive for.