My first Magazine | Page 137

Palpation Techniques
Author ( s )/ Editor ( s ): Bernhard Reichert Publisher : Georg Thieme Verlag KG Language : English ISBN : 978-31-3146-342-5 Edition : 2 / e Publish Year : 2015 Pages : 464 , illustrated Price : € 79.99
The second edition of “ Palpation Techniques ” provides detailed sources for anatomical , biomechanical and pathological information . The author divided the book in thirteen chapters . Chapter one covers the basic principles of surface anatomy and the characteristics of palpation . Each of the following chapters describes one region of the body at a time . The author talks about significance and function , common applications of treatment , required basic anatomical and biomechanical knowledge , local palpation of the shoulder complex , elbow complex , hand , hip and groin region , knee joint , foot , posterior pelvis , lumbar spine , thoracic spine and cage , cervical spine , and head and jaw . This revised edition is an excellent reference book for students , clinicians and therapists ; it is very well presented and richly illustrated with over 800 illustrations and helps them to optimize patient care .

Books Review

The Book Review is drafted in the reviewer ’ s sole wording and illustrates his opinions .
Marian-Vladimir Constantinescu
DDS , PhD ROPOSTURO-Holistic Dental Medicine Institute Bucharest , Romania e-mail : dr . vladimir . constantinescu @ gmail . com