My first Magazine Tehničar | Page 33

Tehničar Br. 20 Literarni kutak: Pričam ti priču Leon Mihelčić, 1. D The Intruder It's been years since the war ended. Reed lost count of days, but he didn't lose hope. No, he couldn't afford that; it was all he had left. Reed stepped out of his cabin, walking through the cold woods with a rifle on his back. Blood rushed to his veins, warning his hands. He was heading to his basement. He pulled up a thick steel hatch door, and carefully walked into this warm, underground shelter. Snow melted off his boots as he sat on a sturdy old chair and turned his radio on. - This is Reed... if anyone can hear this transmission please reply... Please, Over. He sighed and stood up, rubbing his chin. He hasn't seen a single human ever since the bombs had fallen. All the company he’s had were these... creatures. Remnants of humans turned into nothing but monsters. They would creep up to Reed’s land and try to get through the fence, but Reed would always manage to fend them off with his rifle. Reed was craving for human presence, even if it had to be hostile. He looked at the hatch - it was tempting him. - To hell with it! He said and headed out into the woods. His boots stomped through the snow. His rifle was hanging low, leaving a track in the snow. Reed was walking fast. He made a decision, and he wasn't planning to give up. - I'm going out and I'm going out now. He said loudly to himself. He was trying to convince himself that he had a chance at finding someone out there. The old gate made a high- pitched sound as Reed opened it for the first time in years. As he was heading deeper into the woods, he heard terrifying howls break through the fog. Reed made a short pause to calm himself down and then proceeded walking. Then he heard a footstep; and another one; and another one - a louder one. They were coming closer to him. Reed turned around and started to run back to his shelter. He was struggling, breathing heavily – almost crying. He tripped and fell into the snow. Reed was ready to die, when a loud gunshot silenced the howls and the footsteps. Reed now heard a voice for the first time in years. 33