My first Magazine | Page 33


Zoltán Miskolczy 1a * , Barbara Kispélyi 1b , Judit Borbély 1c , Péter Hermann 1d
Department of Prosthodontics , Faculty of Dentistry , Semmelweis University , Budapest , Hungary a
DMD , clinical dentist b
DMD , PhD , Associate Professor c
DMD , PhD , Associate Professor d
DMD , MSc , PhD , Professor , head , Vice-Rector
Cite this article : Cite this article : Miskolczy Z , Kispélyi B , Borbély J , Hermann P . Direct veneers - From design to implementation . Stoma Edu J . 2016 ; 3 ( 1 ): 33-38 .
Received : April 13 , 2016 Received in revised form : April 27 , 2016
Accepted : May 3 , 2016 Published online : April 20 , 2016
Aim : In a 58-year old female patient , the frontal teeth damaged by attrition were reconstructed by direct veneer technology . Frontal tooth configuration and esthetical appearance were restored . Using this case as an example , we describe the key steps of producing a direct veneer and study the scope of application of this technique and the expected lifetime of reconstructed structures . Summary : The adhesive technique makes it possible to esthetically optimize such teeth which show no decay lesions without doing any damage . This way , we can also satisfy patients , who refrain from any more invasive treatment , e . g . crowning . Based on the literature data shown , it can be stated that – with appropriate indications – direct veneer restorations can be equivalent alternatives to conventional “ golden standard ” restorations . Key learning points : 1 . With the development of the adhesive technique , minimally invasive and noninvasive procedures play a bigger and bigger role in esthetic dentistry beside conventional interventions . 2 . Our goal was to restore a harmonious smile , taking into account the principles of Visagismo . 3 . Sufficient bonding power can only be obtained on the enamel surface , so it is reasonable to consider the indications of direct veneer if a large surface of dentin is exposed . Keywords : direct veneers , smile design , composite layering , diagnostic wax-up , composite polishing .
1 . Introduction
Beauty is a term used more and more often in our everyday life . There is nothing new about it : humans have shown great concern about their own appearance since ancient times . “ Ideal beauty ” is admired because it features characteristics that , in that particular culture , are associated with perfection . According to the Ancient Greek saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder , therefore there are differences in what the individual people find beautiful . Plato considered beauty to be the idea ( shape ) that lies above all ideas . Smile plays a key role in the beauty and esthetics of the human face . It is an accord of the mimic facial muscles , which extends even to the area of the eyes . Humans generally consider smile a sign of dearness , happiness and joyfulness , and it also radiates self-confidence and trustworthiness . Teeth are the most important elements of the overall picture of a smile . Therefore , it is not difficult to understand that there can be a correlation between the esthetic problems of one ’ s teeth and his / her mental and social issues . It is the duty of the dentist with an interdisciplinary approach to identify the problem , to get to know the patient to such an extent sufficient for the treatment and to provide the complex treatment itself , with appropriate communication an important part of the latter . It can be clearly stated that the procedures used in dentistry have undergone significant development for the last years . With the development of the adhesive technique , minimally invasive and noninvasive procedures play a bigger and bigger role in esthetic dentistry beside conventional interventions . Indications for direct veneers can be different abnormities in terms of color , shape or position . Below is an incomplete list of cases that might call for such restorations : Color differences : - Hypocalcification - Hypoplasia - Fluorosis - Tetracycline damage - Discoloration ( not removable by scaling and tooth whitening ) - Discoloring effects of earlier amalgam fillings - Age-related physiological discoloration
* Corresponding author : Dr . Zoltán Miskolczy , DMD , clinical dentist Department of Prosthodontics , Faculty of Dentistry Semmelweis University Szentkirályi u . 47 , H-1088 Budapest , Hungary Tel .: (+ 36-1 ) 338-4380 , Fax : (+ 36-1 ) 317-5270 , e-mail : dr . miskolczy @ gmail . com