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Author ’ s Guidelines the methods have been chosen , which the limitations / advantages ). A paragraph about the statistical analysis is required as well .

Results - the results of the study will be presented in a descending order of importance . An interpretation of the results will not be done in this section .
Discussion - the authors will present the way the results backup the original hypothesis , as well as the way in which the results are backed up or contradicted by the published literature . A paragraph must be dedicated to presenting the limitations of the study .
Conclusion - The conclusion presents the implications of this latest work . In addition , authors may consider discussing future plans or recommendations for future research etc .
For all other types of articles we recommend the use of a clear structure based on sections and sub-sections . E . Bibliography Bibliography will be written using the Vancouver style . The references will be written using the Vancouver style . The references will be numbered , in the order they appear in the text as such : “ ( 1 ). All sources found in the text must be present in the bibliography and all the papers mentioned in the bibliography must appear in the text . All journals will be abbreviated according to international standards . Information obtained from sources which are not published yet , but accepted for publishing will include at the end of the reference the mention “ in print ” between round parentheses . If the cited results have not been published yet the mention will be “ personal communication ” written in the text of article between round parentheses . Only references read by the authors of the article will be cited .
An original article will have at most 50 references , a review will have at most 100 references , a letter to the editor 5 references , whilst all other types of articles will have the minimum number of references required . Examples of correct citations : - For journals : author ( s ), article title , abbreviated name of the journal , year , volume , number , first and last page . Example :
Roulet JF , Geraldeli S , Sensi L , Özcan M . Relation between handling characteristics and application time of four photo-polymerized resin composites .
Chin J Dent Res . 2013 ; 16 ( 1 ): 55-61 . For articles which aren ’ t published in print yet
( example ):
Evans JD , Gomez DR , Chang JY , Gladish GW , Erasmus JJ , Rebueno N , Banchs J , Komaki R , Welsh JW . Cardiac 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake on positron emission tomography after thoracic stereotactic body radiation therapy . Radiother Oncol . 2013 ; doi : http :// dx . doi . org / 10.1016 / j . radonc . 2013.07.021 .
- For books : author ( s ), title , city , publishing house , year . Example :
Cheers B , Darracott R , Lonne B . Social care practice in rural communities . Sydney : The Federation Press ; 2007 .
- For book chapters : chapter author ( s ), chapter name , editor ( s ), book name , edition , city , publishing house , year . Example :
Rowlands TE , Haine LS . Acute limb ischaemia . In : Donnelly R , London NJM , editors . ABC of arterial and venous disease . 2nd ed . West Sussex : Blackwell Publishing ; 2009 .
- For websites : Author ( s ) ( if known ). Webpage name [ internet ]. Year [ date of last change , date of citation ]. Exact web address . Example :
Atherton , J . Behavior modification [ Internet ]. 2010 [ updated 2010 Feb 10 ; cited 2010 Apr 10 ]. Available from : http :// www . learningandteaching . info / learning / behaviour _ mod . htm
The references will be placed in the text in the following way : “ leading to lymphocytosis ( 1 )”.
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The official recommendations for medical journals can be consulted at : www . icmje . org .
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