My first Magazine | Page 14

SAVE EARTH-save ourselves of all planets the earth turned out to be luckiest. This is because it is the only planet where life became possible, life in its most beautiful forms developed here be it humans , animals , plants or marine life . The one thing that made the earth unique was the presence of superb form of intelligent life called the human race but somewhere on the way the human race lost its humanity , forgot to acknowledge the planet that gave it life and used its resources ruthlessly. The world now marks the earth day to make the human race realize the importance of the mother earth. Earth day is celebrated every year on 22 nd of April , but the question arises as to why we celebrated earth day . It‘s because we seem to have forgotten what a beautiful gift we have been given in the form of planet earth .We also seem to have forgotten that this is our home and we need to keep in order to stay healthy and alive. Over the centuries we have mercilessly utilized and depleted the earth resources , our shear ignorance have begun to cause severe problems like depletion of ozone layer, death of rivers due to discharge of industrial waste , global warming and etc. In our quest of industrialization heavy amount of deforestation took place, this harmed the earth environment. The ice at the poles has started to melt due to the rise in earth‘s temperature, this is an ominous sign of what is to come. We have dug quite a huge pit for ourselves already but we can still get out it. So days like earth day remind us to be loving and caring to the earth. We must realize the danger and start taking small steps like planting trees , limiting the use of vehicle ,reducing pollution and using renewable resources instead of non-renewable resources .These might be small steps but when a billion people do it together one can definitely see the results , one very good example is the introduction of CNG vehicles. These vehicles have considerably reduced the amount of pollution . While people can start assuring changes with small steps ,government have to take giant leaps to save the mankind . Stringent laws and rules have to be made to make people realize the importance of protecting the nature. Every nation developed or developing has to cut down on carbon emission to reduce the effect of global warming. If not contained the global warming will make the ice caps at polar regions to melt and raise at sea level ,it can be so devastating that it will wipe us out . We can‘t be consumed by pretty differences any more it is our fight to save the mankind from annihilation. So, let us pledge to do whatever we can do to save our planet. 20% of the world‘s population consumes 80% of the resources. The world spends 12 times more on military expenditure than on aid to developing countries. Nearly 1 billion people are going hungry. Over 50% of grain traded around the world is used for animals to feed or biofuels. 40%of arable land has suffered long-term damage. Every year,13 million hectares of forest disappear. Three quarters of fishing grounds are exhausted ,depleted or in dangerous decline. There may be 200 million climate refugees by 2050. It‘s up to us to write what happened next.