My first Magazine Lamplighters Yeshivah Annual Report 2015-2016 | Page 23

DIRAH : Lamplighters Yeshivah ’ s Capital Campaign
This is our movement to purchase a permanent home to accommodate the beautiful growth of our beloved school .
Every day at Lamplighters Yeshivah , we empower the next generation , our children , to build on their unique strengths and use them to create a dwelling place for Godliness . In the years since our inception , our spiritual building is a skyscraper of light , of love , of learning . Yet the need for a physical and secure home — a permanent dwelling to permeate with light — has become more and more vital to the future of our school . We know deeply that the optimal environment for our children will enable the learning , the exploration and the connection they need to thrive .
24 hour , all-or-nothing , quadruple match campaign
Together , we will build a physical home for our school to fill with light and learning , to elevate each and every child — and to touch the world .
Every year we have a Charidy campaign to raise essential funds for Lamplighters Yeshivah . In fact , we were a pioneering organization on this increasingly popular crowdfunding platform . Since our first $ 100k successful campaign in 2013 , we have been successively raising our goal and increasing this campaign ’ s impact on our community . In December 2015 , we raised $ 300k in one day from people from all different backgrounds- be it friends , parents , staff , and admirers . Our goal for our next campaign in December 2016 is $ 360k - roughly half of our annual deficit .
Mimulo comes to preschool to do flower arranging with the children for Shavuos
Rabbi Haim Sherff , another acclaimed Chassidic artist visits and gives an interactive art lesson to the EB3 boys