My first Magazine Issue 11: If/만약 | Page 48

The music video , released about six weeks after the song on August 14th , 2015 , also further strengthen the song ’ s message by depicting three different families dealing with loss , poverty , and imprisonment . In the first family , a soldier , played by Adam Levine , is leaving his wife and daughter (“ Princess ”) to return to military service . The man and the woman in the second family are fighting because of the bills they have to pay . In the third family , the father and daughter are separating due to the daughter ’ s arrestment . Though all families seem to struggle from obstacles in life , eventually , they are shown overcoming these hardships with love . The soldier and his family embrace and salute each other a tearful good-bye . The man and woman hug and dance in reconciliation and encouragement . The daughter flies into her father ’ s arms and the two hug tightly . When she gets on the police car , her father follows her and tries to catch a last glimpse at her through the car ’ s window until the very end . Such waiting , forgiving , sharing the pain together , and believing the person despite everything , is only possible when there is true love .
True love , as expressed in the song , is one that is unconditional and unchanging despite the various ‘ If ’ s ’ in life . Sadly , the statistics are portraying the society drifting in the opposite direction as people are starting to look for people to love who meet their requirements . Such love dies out as soon as those requirements become unfulfilled due to unemployment , bankruptcy , arrestment , and other misfortunate events . “ If I got locked away / And we lost it all today / Tell me honestly , would you still love me the same ?”, Adam Levine asks , a little melancholically to my ears , for he would surely know that in today ’ s world , the answer for most people would be ‘ no .’ When faced with the excruciating situations the song is describing with ‘ If ’ s ’, conditional love prevalent nowadays will break quickly and easily .