My first Magazine Gossip: Scandals and Relationships of Authors | Page 26

CHRISTINA ROSETTI not in love anymore ??

TRIVIAS ! Born : 5 December 1830

London , England Occupation : Poet Language : English Nationality : British Relatives : Gaetano Polidori ( maternal grandfather ), Gabriele Rossetti ( father ), Frances Polidori ( mother ), John William Polidori ( maternal uncle ), Dante Gabriel Rossetti ( brother ), Maria Francesca Rossetti ( sister ), William Michael Rossetti ( brother )

Finally ! after a press conference last week , Christina Rosetti announced a shocking announcement that she and Cayley not as couple anymore . Don ' t worry guys you still have a chance to date her .

She confessed that they not in love anymore and not a couple since last year . Before this , Christina reluctant to answer the questions from the media about their relationship and only replied " no comment ". But , now she herself announced about their sad ending relationship .

" Who is Cayley ? Why they broke

up ?