My first Magazine Gossip: Scandals and Relationships of Authors | Page 25

Other models favoured by Rossetti included his sister, the poet Christina Rossetti, who sat for his earliest works, including The Girlhood of Mary Virgin (1848-49). He painted Christina’s brunette hair as auburn, indicative of what would become Rossetti’s obsession with red hair – leading him to meet and fall in love with Lizzie. Another of his most constant models was the beautiful Alexa Wilding, who inspired some of his most sexually provocative paintings, including Monna Vanna (1866), Sancta Lilias (1874) and Venus Verticordia (1864- 68) – notable for being Rossetti’s only famous painting to depict a naked woman. Alexa, unlike the majority of Rossetti’s models, seemed to be able to resist the artist’s advances. Perhaps the most faithful of Rossetti’s models was Fanny Cornforth, who modeled for, amongst others, Found (begun 1859; unfinished) and The Blue Bower (1865). At the end of Rossetti’s life, after the suicide of Lizzie Siddal and the end of his affair with Jane Morris, Fanny his lover-turned- housekeeper took care of the increasingly ill and insane Rossetti. This gentle, compassionate side to Fanny’s personality is perhaps seen most clearly in her expression in Bocca Baciata (1859). The Curious, Poetic Lives of the Rosetti Siblings . Retrieved from he-curious-poetical-rossetti-siblings