My first Magazine Booklet - the final version | Page 45

TECHNIQUES AND METHODOLOGY OF ADAPTATION PROBLEM AND SCHOOL FEAR Examples from the process Example 3 - France WE PLAY WITH BOXES The pedagogical choice is to welcome and support the spontaneous activity of children in a motor exploration situation with material usually not used in school – cartons of various sizes and fabrics. These allow a wide diversity of learning in the following areas: language, becoming a student, acting and expressing oneself with one's body and discovering the world. Children are provided with cartons of all sizes. The game is free form. Children have to respect 3 rules – do not hurt or harm others, do not damage cartons, we play and we pretend. The session is divided in 3 parts: 1. Regrouping children – welcome, hello and a reminder of the rules, 2. Time to play. The adult observes, takes notes, makes sure the rules are respected, encourages and reassures. 3. Time to regroup and talk about what happened (symbolization – we pretended to ..., we built a house, a tower...), reminder of the rules when they were not respected, talking about emotions (when we were afraid, when we were hurt, when we imagined new games with the boxes). Each session lasts about 35 minutes. Benefits of this technique: a better management of the heterogeneity and the taking into account of students with special educational needs thanks to a better collaboration with the RASED, the development of oral language, communication and imagination and the development of rules of life and respect for others. 45