My first Magazine Booklet - the final version | Page 23

HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS Starting kindergarten represents child`s first separation from their families which is highly stressful for both child and parents. Parents are child`s emotional role model, child feels and often copy their attitude towards kindergarten, so good cooperation of school and parents is necessary in this stage. Happy School Days are set of different activities which connect child, parents and kindergarten with an aim to encourage child`s positive feelings towards kindergarten and at the same time to make adjustment to kindergarten easier. Kindergarten is a place in which every child should feel safe, comfortable and motivated for learning and we expect that those activities will help them in that. Happy School Days are good way to start or to enrich teacherĀ“s and parentĀ“s cooperation in an informal atmosphere and to enhance parent`s trust in the institution. Kindergartens from different partner`s countries have completed Happy School Days activities in a different way allowing all participants of the project good insight to a quality practice of others and giving good examples for improving existing practice 23