My first Magazine Booklet - the final version | Page 18

WORKING TOGETHER – PARENT INVOLVEMENT Example 1 - Turkey Example 2 - Turkey MAKING COOKIES ACTIVITY Parent shows the materials needed for cookies and prepares the dough. Doughs are shaped and decorated with children. Cooked biscuits are eaten with children. MAKING OOBLECK DOUGH ACTIVITY A parent who is volunteered for the making Oobleck Dough is invited. Place 2 cups of corn starch in a vat. Children touch this starch and mix it with their hands. Some food stain or finger stain is added. 1 cup of warm water is slowly added with the help of parent. Examples of activities It is very effective in strengthening the relationship between the child and the mother. This activity strengthens the dialogue between the child and the mother, making a presentation with her mother affects the child's sense of accomplishment, self- esteem positively. Oobleck Dough is Affective game material made of only starch and water, cheap and easy to supply. The positive effects of this activity on the child: provides development of tactile senses; encourages natural curiosity; contributes to the development of small muscles; development of attention and concentration; pleasant and fun time; with the participation of parents in the education the feeling of trust develops in the child. 18