MVC CYBERFLASHES January 23, 2015 | Page 17

7. Snap Shots of MVC Alumni in Kenya With special thanks to Mike &ElnorieCaballero,NonoySiglos, Nely Aba, & Dr. Elfred Solis for it is from their Facebook accounts that I harvested these photos T here are many opportunities to serve in Kenya. The MVC Alumni stationed in Kenya invite you to come and visit. How would you want to serve? Would you like to do medical outreach? VBS? Branch Sabbath School? Feeding program? Food and water distribution? Evangelism? Whatever your passion in ministry and in whatever capacity you decide to give/share, your help will fill a portion of a wide chasm waiting to be filled and it will certainly benefit the Masai, the Samburu, and the many other tribes. When people are thirsty they don’t really care about our fancy titles. They just want to drink. And if you bring them clean, fresh water for free, they would want to know who you are and why you are being kind. Because of this, they become open to learning about the God of love. 17 | P a g e