Museum of Sake Journal Summer 2016 | Page 20

CUP SAKE MENU A CURATED SELECTION OF CUP SAKE THE CLASSICS NEW GENERATION A BIT DIFFERENT OZEKI ONE CUP MINI ENTER.SAKE BLACK 大関 ワンカップ ミニ JOZEN MIZUNOGOTOSHI WHITE-KOJI Futsushu A classic cup with a refreshing nose and comfortingly malty & nutty aftertaste. Honjozo Beautifully designed modern cup with refreshing & cleansing acidity and a pleasant tropical fruitiness. 100ml 14.9% ABV Ozeki Brewery, Hyogo Prefecture 180ml 15% ABV Seikya Brewery, Aichi Prefecture 上善如水 純米 白麹 Junmai A perfect aperitif with refreshing mandarin notes and juicy cherry sweetness. 180ml 13.5% ABV Shirataki Brewery, Niigata Prefecture EVERYDAY SAKE ECO CUP OCHOKO DE PONSHU KIKUSUI FUNAGUCHI 月桂冠 上撰エコカップ おちょこで日本酒(PONSHU) 淡麗甘口 菊水 ふなぐち Futsushu Herbaceous and cleansing with crisp notes of green apple and a peppery aftertaste 210ml 15.5% ABV Gekkeikan Brewery, Kyoto Prefecture Futsushu A floral and refreshing cup, perfect for beginners with delicate nectarine sweetness and floral notes. 180ml 12.5% ABV Gekkeikan Brewery, Kyoto Prefecture Honjozo Nama Genshu An unpasturised sake which is a flavour explosion with lively caramel and hazelnut notes balanced with juicy rich velvety texture. 200ml 19% ABV Kikusui Brewery, Niigata Prefecture TSUKI OCHOKO DE PONSHU GEKKEIKAN NIGORI 月桂冠 月 おちょこで日本酒(PONSHU)純米 月桂冠 にごり Futsushu A perfect beginners cup which is smooth & mellow with light melon notes. Junmai A low alcohol option also ideal for beginners. Aromatic with jasmine notes and raspberry yoghurt finish. Nigori The pina colada of sake, thick banana yoghurt texture, perfectly balanced acidity with pineapple and coconut notes . 180ml 10.5% ABV Gekkeikan Brewery, Kyoto Prefecture 210ml 10% ABV Gekkeikan Brewery, Kyoto Prefecture 210ml 13.5% ABV Gekkeikan Brewery, Kyoto Prefecture CAP ACE OCHOKO DE PONSHU OZEKI KANJUKU UMESHU 月桂冠 カップエース おちょこで日本酒(PONSHU) 超辛口冷酒 大関 完熟梅酒 Honjozo Nama Genshu Cute and practical cup which is well rounded and releases its satisfying umami flavours best when slightly warmed. Comforting cereal and nutty notes will linger in your mouth 180ml 15.5% ABV Gekkeikan Brewery, Kyoto Prefecture Junmai Masculine, bone dry and steely. Light and clean with a hint of lemongrass Umeshu Rich and syrupy, coats your mouth with the taste of sweet raisins and almond. Extremely long lingering finish. 180ml 10.5% ABV Gekkeikan Brewery, Kyoto Prefecture 100ml 14.5% ABV Ozeki Brewery, Hyogo Prefecture SHOCHIKUBAI GOKAI KARAKUCHI 白壁蔵 豪快 辛口 Futsushu Dry and firm sake, best enjoyed warm to release it’s savoury rich umami notes 180ml 15.5% ABV Takara Brewery, Hyogo Prefecture MUSEUM OF SAKE JOURNAL 20