Museum of Sake Journal Summer 2015 | Page 40

GLOBAL SAKE VOICE 8 GLOBAL SAKE VOICE: SAKE & TOURISM MASARU WATANABE INTERVIEWS YUKI AOI, TV ANNOUNCER & FOOD STYLIST For this summer issue, we introduce Yuki Aoi who has worked as an announcer in TV and radio, but became a food analyst even years ago. She has been actively disseminating information by widening her range of industries to Japanese sake, shochu and wine. She currently works in planning and operating ‘Japanese sake tourism’ for people to enjoy the local dishes and traditional culture of each area while visiting places in Japan, interacting with brewers and tasting boutique sake. Yuki also provides information on female master brewers. 夏号最初にご紹介するのはあおい有紀さん。アナウンサーとして活 躍していたが、7年程前からフードアナリスト、日本酒、焼酎、ワ インなどへもさらに活躍の場を広げ積極的な情報発信を行ってい る。現在は全国各地の蔵元を訪巡り蔵人と触れ合い、地酒を味わい ながらその土地の郷土料理や伝統文化を楽しむ「日本酒ツーリズ ム」の企画・運営を数多く手掛ける他、女性杜氏に注目した情報発 信等を行っている。 MUSEUM OF SAKE JOURNAL 40