Muscle Memory digital Dec/Jan 2019 | Page 90

2. Kettlebell Lunges 3. Romanian Deadlift with Kettlebell Stand straight, feet together with a kettlebell in both hands. Lunge forward with your right leg, bending both knees to 90 degrees. Hold the kettle- bell close to chest as you lunge forward. Push back off your right foot, and return to starting position. repeat the movement with the other leg. n Perform 8-10 (beginner), n 12-15 (intermediate) n Or 15-20 (advanced) repetitions on each side. n Perform 8-10 (beginner), n 12-15 (intermediate), n or 15-20 (advanced) repetitions. 4. Overhead Medicine Ball Slam Hold a medine ball with both hands and stand with your feet at shoulder width. Initiate the countermovement by raising the ball above your head and fully extending your body. Reverse the motion, slamming the ball into the ground directly in front of you as hard as you can. Receive the ball with both hands on the bounce and repeat the movement. n Perform 8-10 (beginner), n 12-15 (intermediate), n or 15-20 (advanced) Begin in a standing position with a kettlebell held in each hand. Ensure that your back is straight and stays that way for the duration of the exercise. Allow your arms to hang perpendicular to the floor, with wrists pro- nated and the elbows pointed to your sides. This will be your starting position. Initiate the movement by flexing your hips, slowly pushing your butt as far back as you can. This is a horizontal movement of the hips, rather than a downward movement. The knees should only partially bend, and your weight remains on your heels. Drive your butt back as far as you can, which should generate tension in your hamstrings as your hands approach knee level. Maintain an arch in your back throughout the exercise.When your hips can- not perform any further backward movement, pause, and then slowly return to the starting position by extending the hips. repetitions. 5. Medicine Ball Squat Hold Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and descend into a squat by pushing your hips and butt backwards. Continue down until the upper legs are at or just below parallel to the floor. Inhale as you perform this portion of the movement. Keep your shoulders back and keep your chest up high holding a medicine ball straight out at chest level. Engage your core and exhale. 6. Medicine Ball Mountain Climbers Start in push-up position with your hands on top of a medicine ball. Keep your arms completely straight and directly beneath your shoulders. Brace your core and lift one foot off the floor, raising your knee up toward your chest while keeping your body in a straight line from your shoulders to ankles. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement with your opposite leg. n Perform 8-10 (beginner), n 12-15 (intermediate), n or 15-20 (advanced) repetitions on each side. MUSCLEMEMORYMAG.COM 11