Muscle Memory digital Dec/Jan 2019 | Page 36

FITNESS BODY WORK THE IMPORTANCE OF CHIROPRACTIC WITH TRAINING PROPER ALIGNMENT WITHIN YOUR SPINE IS IMPORTANT WHEN IT COMES TO TRAINING IN THE GYM. IT IS ALSO A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF SHOW COMPETITION PREP. Many WHAT DO ADJUSTMENTS DO? individuals are unaware of the misalignment their bodies are in until it is identified by a Chiro- practor. When your spine is out of alignment this will have an effect on your entire body. When training in general and when preparing for a show, getting ad- justments should be part of your regular routine. Many clients believe that you only need to see a Chiropractor when you are in pain. Interestingly enough, pain is an emotion and each individual will experience pain differently. People can be out of alignment but will not experience pain. However, you will experience dysfunction throughout your body and this will have a negative affect on your training. Dr. Theresa is the owner and operator of her Chiropractic practice located in Oshawa, ON. 34   MUSCLE MEMORY | DECEMBER/JANUARY 2019 THEY ACCOMPLISH A NUMBER OF THINGS. THEY IMPROVE THE SIGNAL TRAVELLING FROM YOUR MUSCLES TO YOUR SPINE TO YOUR BRAIN AND BACK DOWN. This will allow for information to travel faster. We want a fast signal so that our brain knows what our body is doing and can adjust accordingly. Adjustments will also decrease the stress response in your body. Training in the gym, while very beneficial, can create stress and our bodies will compensate because of that stress. This will cause our bodies to have a more difficult time retaining the effects of training. Regular adjustments also improve range of motion. This can allow for deeper squats, deadlifts, bench press, along with many other exercises. Better range of motion can allow you to have a greater lengthening and contracting of the muscles in order to promote growth. ONE OF THE MOST COMMON OBSERVATIONS THROUGHOUT MY CLIENTS AND IN MY OWN TRAIN- ING IS A PELVIC IMBALANCE. This can have a negative effect on training and growth. When you have a pelvic misalignment, this may cause one leg to be shorter than the other. When squatting or deadlifting for example, it can cause a person to lean to one side and this will affect how the weight is distributed throughout your body. This can lead to uneven muscle development and greater stress to one side in comparison to the other. In addition, with a pelvic misalign- ment, one hip generally is sitting higher than the other. One problem that can oc- cur in this situation involves your glutes. This muscle group attaches to your hip and will not activate properly when performing squats or deadlifts because they are not in their proper anatomical position. In turn, this will cause one side to be over developed in comparison to the other. When your pelvis is aligned properly, it will allow for proper muscle activation and even weight distribution on both sides.