Muscle Memory digital AugSept 2018 | Page 73

ary 2017 Antoine attended what he hoped was his final crack at rehab . He had been living in Quebec on social assistance and recipients were allowed to attend rehab at no cost . The rehab centre was called Dianova . This rehab had to work . A few days in he called his mother intent on complaining but her news overwhelmed him and again he was shown the instability and fragility of life . Her boyfriend had been diagnosed with a brain tumor . Every day afterwards he called his mother and found strength in her stoicism . After three months Antoine was ready to leave .


Life hasn ’ t been easy for Antoine since leaving rehab but he has learned a tremendous amount about himself .

He discovered that his anxiety and feelings of worthlessness all stemmed from his childhood . He realized there were other ways to control his condition other than stimulants . Today , he is mindful of his thoughts and tries to stay in the moment . When the intrusive negative thoughts enter his cerebral cortex he doesn ’ t acknowledge them . He doesn ’ t give them the power to cause him anxiety . Instead , he becomes aware of these familiar thought patterns and releases them . He refocuses on his purpose and what drives his motivation is one day , winning the Mr . Olympia title .
Antoine is aware that intense dieting , shedding weight quickly , and not eating when you ’ re hungry , can lead to unhappiness , moodiness and even intense anger . With all of these added emotions mindfulness can be more difficult to practice , praying to a higher power may become even more important and calling his sponsor when he feels like using , could be the difference between life and death . Antoine sums up his emotional status with wise words , “ Sometimes what you want to do is not what you need to do .”
THE COACH John Meadows coached Antoine on diet and training when he won Mr . Canada in