Muscle Memory digital AugSept 2018 | Page 57

Setup : Stand with your feet staggered , your left foot slightly in front of your right . Making sure you ' re not too stiff , keep your stance active with your knees bent in a slight but not full lunge .
Action : Immediately swing your arms forward and jump upward as high as you can . As you land , gently bend your knees and sink back down into the squat position . That ' s 1 rep .
your slow-twitch muscle fibers helps improve how you use oxygen during aerobic exercise . On the other hand , fast-twitch muscle fibers generate more force and are activated during plyometric exercises . Imagine running a race : Your slowtwitch muscle fibers will give you the stamina to get through each mile . As you approach the finish line , your fast-twitch muscles kick in so you can sprint to the end .
But faster doesn ’ t always mean better — it ’ s important to activate both muscle groups . IFBB Pro Jade Atkinson trainer , says , “ Fast-twitch muscle fibers wear out faster than slow-twitch muscle fibers and are used when the body is pushing to its max potential .” Here ’ s your perfect workout to fire up your glutes powered with a plyometric variation .
Action : With your core engaged , push off the bottom of both feet into a jump , switching the position of your feet in midair , landing in a basic lunge with your right leg in front . Without rest , repeat this movement , alternating which leg is in front . This completes one rep .