Muscle Memory digital Apr/May 2018 | Page 57

ROPE PRESSDOWN Start: Attach a rope handle to a cable that’s set at a high pulley position. Stand in front of the apparatus and grasp the rope near each end with an overhand grip. Keep your back straight and head level, with your feet close together and a very slight bend in your knees to help prevent swaying. Action: Making sure not a single muscle group budges during the action except for your forearms, press the rope downward using force from your triceps. An important consideration is that you do not lean forward and come over top of the rope. Hold for a second in the bottom position with your arms nearly locked out, then return along the same path. SEATED HAMMER CURL Start: Grasp a dumbbell in each hand using a neutral grip and sit in the chair with back straight against the pad and head level. Place your feet squarely on the floor with your legs bent 90 degrees at your knees. Let the weights hang in your fully extended arms at your sides. Action: With your body secure, pay atten- tion that your only working muscle group is your forearms. Preserving the neutral grip, curl one of the weights upward as you would with a biceps curl, except here you’re using a “hammer” position. Continue the move until your arm has flexed at least 90 degrees, hold for a second, then lower. After repping out, work the other arm. MUSCLEMEMORYMAG.COM 55