Muscle Memory digital Apr/May 2018 | Page 42

FITNESS BODY WORK TIPS Given that heavy weights are typically used for the deadlift, and the potential for injury is great due to the complexity of the movement, it is very important to maintain correct technique at all times. THE FOLLOWING TIPS WILL HELP YOU TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THIS GREAT EXERCISE. • Keep chest forward and shoulders back, and look up. • In the middle of the movement, do not jerk the bar up to achieve the final concentric phase of the movement. • Keep the knees fixed throughout the movement. • Keep movement smooth from top to bottom. • Use straps for ultra-heavy weights. Deadlifting Program With the deadlift, it is important to vary the intensity from session to session due to its taxing nature. This is how I would structure my deadlift sessions over a six-week period. BEGINNERS PROGRAM ONE DAY A WEEK, PREFERABLY AT THE END OF BACK TRAINING. SET ONE: 8-12 REPS AT 50-65 PERCENT OF ONE REPETITION MAXIMUM (1RM). SET TWO: 8-12 REPS AT 50-65 PERCENT OF 1RM. SET THREE: 6-10 REPETITIONS AT 65- 75 PERCENT OF 1RM. SET FOUR: 6-10 REPETITIONS AT 65- 75 PERCENT OF 1RM. 40   MUSCLE MEMORY ADVANCED PROGRAM TUESDAY Light session: focusing on speed of movement and tech- nique. These sessions are very good for helping to maintain, or reinforce, correct technique during the heavier sessions. This session is done on its own, followed by cardio. FIRST SET: 15-20 REPETITIONS AT 50-60 PERCENT OF 1RM. SECOND SET: 15-20 REPETITIONS AT 50-60 PERCENT OF 1RM. FRIDAY Heavy session: maximal weights are used and it is done at the end of back training. The rational for doing deadlifts at this stage of the workout is twofold: at this time the back will be completely warm and there is usually no energy left to do anything else after deadlifts anyway. FIRST SET: 10-15 REPETITIONS AT 55-65 PERCENT OF 1RM. THIRD SET: 10-15 REPETITIONS AT 60-65 PERCENT OF 1RM. SECOND SET: 8-10 REPETITIONS AT 65-75 PERCENT OF 1RM. FOURTH SET: 10-15 REPETITIONS AT 60-65 PERCENT OF 1RM. THIRD & FOURTH SET: 6-8 REPETITIONS AT 75-85 PERCENT OF 1RM. | APRIL/MAY 2018 FIFTH SET: 2-4 REPETITIONS AT 80-90 PERCENT OF 1RM. WEEKS TWO TO SIX For weeks two to six, repeat Tuesdays and Fri- days workouts, then omit deadlifts for one week, before repeating cycle. * START WITH LIGHT WEIGHTS AND HIGH REPS, INCREASE AC- CORDINGLY, ALWAYS WARM UP AND STRETCH BEFORE ANY ROUTINE.