Muscle Memory digital Apr/May 2018 | Page 113

TRAIN DO WORK SUMO FRONT RAISE SETUP: Pick up a kettlebell by the horn using both hands with an overhand grip. Stand tall at first, then assume a wide, sumo-style stance with toes pointing outward. Keep your head up, arms long, and descend into a squat position until your quads are parallel to the floor. EXECUTION: Press into the floor forcefully to extend your legs. In a dynamic move, swing the kettlebell in an upward arcing path in front of you until your legs are fully extended and your arms are parallel to the floor. Using control, lower along the same path back to the start. SINGLE-LEG BENT-OVER ROW SETUP: Grasp a kettlebell in one hand using a neutral grip and stand tall to begin with feet to- gether. Allow the bell to descend in your extended arm as you raise your same-side leg behind you. Keep your back straight and ultimately form a “T” position. EXECUTION: Similar to the traditional bent- over row, keep the core of your body anchored in place. Simply row the bell vertically in your work- ing hand until your elbow crosses the plane of your torso. Hold in this top position for half a second, then using control lower the bell along the same path back to the start. OVERHEAD TRICEPS EXTENSION SETUP: Grasp the outer edge of the bottom of the bell with both hands using a neutral grip. Stand tall, then separate your legs to a wide stance. With your head level and back straight, draw the bell upward and over the back of your head, such that your upper arms are perpendicular to the floor. EXECUTION: With your body secure in posi- tion, your only working muscle groups here are your forearms. Extend through your arms to raise the kettlebell directly overhead. Pause at this top position for a half-second, then using control allow the bell to descend behind your head again back to the start. 36   MUSCLE MEMORY | APRIL/MAY 2018