Muscle Memory digital Apr/May 2018 | Page 112

REVERSE LUNGE SETUP: Grasp a dumbbell by the horn in your left hand using an underhand grip. Standing tall, draw the bell upward, adjacent to your front shoul- der. Raise your same-side leg in a flexed position until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Place your non-working hand on your hip for stability. EXECUTION: Flex through your right leg to lower into a lunge as you swing your left leg underneath and behind you. Use the force of gravity and weight of the kettlebell with control. At the bottom, your left leg will be up on its toes and your right thigh will be parallel to the floor. Extend your right leg to raise back to the start. Switch sides. KICKBACK SETUP: Pick up a kettlebell in one hand using a neutral grip and stand tall, with your opposite hand on your hip for stability. Keep your back straight and chin up, then raise your working leg in front of you, bent 90 degrees at your knees. Draw it upward until your thigh is parallel to the floor. EXECUTION: Using control, allow the kettle- bell to descend vertically (while keeping your working arm extended), as you tilt forward from the hips. Swing your working leg behind you, and kick it back behind you until it is ultimately extended and parallel to the floor in the same plane as your torso. Pause for a split-second, then reverse the movement. SINGLE-ARM CLEAN SETUP: Grasp the horn of a kettlebell with your right hand using an overhand grip. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, bend your knees slightly and point your toes outward. With your back straight, lean forward and position the bell adjacent to your left foot. Place your left hand on your hip for stability. EXECUTION: In a swift, athletic move, press into the floor to extend your legs and flip your torso to an upright position. At the same time, use the momentum in your working arm to raise the bell across and up to your right shoulder. In the top position, your upper arm will be parallel to the floor, as shown. Reverse the motion for reps then switch up and work the other side. MUSCLEMEMORYMAG.COM 35