Muscle Fitness Muscle & Fitness UK - April 2018 | Page 82

HERS believing they’ll loose their femininity. Well firstly, let me make one thing clear: No one but no one is going to restrict my potential by telling me what feminine looks like! Be assured by this; if you’re a drug-free female then your body can only respond to training within your natural capacity to recover as a female, therefore you are feminine by definition! And if you want to emphasise your waist and have a healthy looking, strong, balanced physique and posture then a well- designed upper body programme is a must. Great posture requires balance between the front and the back of your body. This will help you to avoid getting a hunched over posture that happens when your front and middle delts and chest are worked way more than your rear delts and back. I’ve learned the hard way having had persistent shoulder pain for 18 months that prevented me training upper body completely. The culprit? Following some questionable advice on training shoulders. You may have heard me say before that I’m completely self- coached; but I believe the key to progress is to continually develop your knowledge and understanding. Like anything you want to be good at ‘there are levels to this,’ and when I was awarded my IFBB Pro Card in October 80 MUSCLE & FITNESS / APRIL 2018 2014 I knew I had to step up my game which required a step up in knowledge, so I accepted the offer of a shoulder session with another coach which unfortunately was lacking in a few areas. Now I’m not comfortable with blame; I believe another key to progress is not dwelling on negatives, learning from good and bad and moving forwards. So that said, I accept full responsibility for my set back because ultimately the responsibility, and the consequences of my develop- ment lies with me. This article explains what I learned from this to help you avoid the setbacks I experienced. A good place to start when it comes to developing a balanced physique is to have a basic understanding of the muscle groups and which exercises hit them best: Shoulders (Deltoids) Anterior/ Front Head Location: Front of the shoulder Exercise example: Barbell Shoulder Press Medial/Middle Head Location: Middle/Side of the shoulder Exercise example: Dumbbell Side Lateral raise Posterior/Rear Head Location: Back/rear of the shoulder Exercise example: Seated bent-over lateral raise The shoulders are a complex joint and making sure they are developed in a balanced way will not only reduce