Muscle Fitness Muscle_Fitness_February_2016 | Page 96


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The Iron Shake

A man looking to drop fat needs a meal-replacement with muscle .
WHEN WOMEN WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT , they drink those dainty liquids that come in a pink can . Men are supposed to whip up a protein shake and down it in one gulp . But the mealreplacement supplement market is changing , and one brand — SlimFast — may have the best option yet for men who want to shed their gut ( and keep it off ). And , fortunately , it doesn ’ t come in pink .
MEAL-REPLACEMENT drinks used to be simply this : a low-calorie protein or fiber-rich beverage that filled you up to prevent overeating — in effect “ replacing ” a whole-food meal when you don ’ t have time to prepare one . SlimFast ’ s new Advanced Nutrition line is different . First off , it ’ s designed specifically for men , so it doesn ’ t just focus on weight loss but also long-term weight management . Its 20 grams of protein ( in the form of calcium caseinate ) is perfect for building muscle , as well as speeding recovery . At the same time , the drinks contain an equal amount of fiber ( 5 grams ) and calories ( 180 ) as your girlfriend ’ s version . It packs only 1 gram of sugar , and it ’ s glutenand lactose-free . SlimFast is even macho enough for use in the U . S . Army . A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic
Association looked at soldiers who needed to lose weight to remain in the service . One group followed the Army ’ s own weightmanagement program by itself , and the other used the program along with meal-replacement supps . The result ? Fewer subjects dropped out in the supplement group , and they lost more weight — and specifically more body fat — than those who followed the Army guidelines alone .
DOWN ! Fiber-rich shakes like for-men-only SlimFast Advanced Nutrition can boost weight loss .
In addition to ready-to-drink bottles , SlimFast Advanced Nutrition is also available in powder and bar form — and all varieties fight off hunger for up to four hours , helping ensure you don ’ t overeat . Try the Creamy Chocolate flavor . Our tasters agree it ’ s one of the best in the mealreplacement market . slimfast . com