Muscle Fitness Muscle_Fitness_February_2016 | Page 70

TRAIN ABS AND CORE GET MORE training tips and diet advice by following Sean on Twitter: @seanhyson Walk Hard The asymmetrical farmer’s walk builds the core and the grip. BY SEAN HYSON, C.S.C.S. ABOUT THE MODEL Brandon Bass gave up baseball to pursue bodybuilding. He com- peted in his first show at just 18 years old. HOW TO DO IT FARMER’S WALK Place one heavy dumbbell and one lighter one on the floor. Bend your hips back and grip the dumb- bells. Carefully deadlift them off the floor so you’re standing tall. Walk as quickly as you can as far as you can while keeping your torso upright and braced. Switch the dumb- bells on the next set so the opposite side gets worked with the heavier weight. QUICK TIP Choose dumbbells that aren’t too different in weight. There shouldn’t be more than a 20-pound discrepancy between them. DID YOU KNOW? Holding uneven dumbbells forces your core to fight the tendency to tip over or twist to one side. As with any farmer’s walk, you’re also training your grip as well as your lower body and your heart. 68 MUSCLE & FITNESS FEBRUARY 2016 EDGAR ARTIGA