Muscle & Fitness 2018-03-01 Muscle & Fitness | Page 43

T H E U LT I M AT E 8-W E E K T R A N SFOR M AT ION PRO G R A M M E WEEK 6 DAY 36 – CHEST Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Time A1) Incline Smith Machine Press (with resistance bands) 4 12,10,8,8 3010 80 B1) Incline Dumbbell Press 4 12,10,10,8 4010 Straight into B2) Incline Dumbbell Flyes 4 12,12,10,10 3010 80 C1) Seated Chest Press Machine 4 10,10,10,10 (double drop set last set… take 1/3rd weight off rep to failure & then take another 2 more plates off rep to failure) 3010 60 D1) Standing Cable Isolation Flyes 3 15,15,12 2010 Straight into D2) Incline Dumbbell Hex Press 3 12,12,12 2010 40 Set/Weight/Reps WEEK 6 DAY 37 – QUADS Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Time A1) Single Leg Extensions e/s 4 15,15,15,15 (double drop set last set – take 1/3rd weight off rep to failure, then 2 more plates off rep to failure) 3011 60 B1) Hack Squat (with resistance bands) 5 15,15,15,15,15 (double drop set last set – take 1/3rd weight off rep to failure, then 2 more plates off rep to failure) 3011 90 C1) Alternating D-bell Lunges e/s 4 8,8,8,8 e/s 3010 Straight into C2) Lying Down Machine Squats (feet narrow) 4 10,10,10,10 2010 Straight into C3) D-bell Goblet Squats (don’t lock out) 4 15,15,15,15 2010 80 Set/Weight/Reps