Muscle & Fitness 2018-03-01 Muscle & Fitness | Page 122

S P O RT S PERFORMANCE did all manner of Squat and Lunge variations, huge amounts of unilateral lower body work and loads of plyometrics. I had two 24 inch quads, a 25 inch waist and a scrawny upper body with stick arms. I also used to have to do a tremen- dous amount of extra hip flexor work. When you go through the heats of a competition, the constant leaning position along with the angle of the skates used to leave my hip flexors in absolute agony. When you’re on the start line the adrenalin kicks in to mask the pain but between heats I would barely be able to lift my legs, let alone jog to warm up or stand up if I was sitting down. So I used to do loads and loads of prehab for that. If I am completely honest with myself I’ll admit that I always held back in the gym a little because I didn’t want to risk being sore and affecting my performance on the ice the next day. I just didn’t care about the gym sessions as much as I did about the ice sessions...unless it was a testing day in the gym of course - then I wanted to win every time!! still get that now, especially watching Elise race. I feel nervous, I have butterflies in my stomach, my hands get jittery, I’ll cry if she wins and I’ll cry if she loses because I know how much it means to these athletes to win. much to me as competing I was then able to watch speed skating and I fell in love with it all over again. ML: How much of the Roar Fitness approach can you share with us without giving away too many secrets? SL: The biggest secret which anyone ML: You retired in 2010 and soon is welcome to try and copy is the entered the fitness industry as a coach quality of the team we have. All of and gym owner. How much did your background as an athlete help with the our team members work together so smoothly and effectively. I’ve transition? worked in mainstream facilities where SL: Initially I struggled because the personal training team work as an athlete nothing else matters ML: What elements did you enjoy against each other and that’s a pretty but competing and winning, your most and least about the training? standard occurance. But our team entire life revolves around just that. SL: Whenever I feel nostalgic and I work together perfectly. Everything It was difficult to find that drive and miss being part of the team I remind motivation because as an athlete you’re from the movement screening by the myself that I was cold ALL the time. physio team, the dietary plan from My big toes were black for 5 years and used to having so much stimulus, our nutrition team and the resistance it hurt just to walk all the time. It was every day is important, and exciting programming from our training team and scary at the same tim