Muscle Evolution Muscle_Evolution_-_December_2014 | Page 51

then you need to go above and beyond what others are doing and I strongly believe that periodisation is something that is overlooked . You need to have specific goals you work towards at different phases , i . e . how you train to put on more muscle is surely different to how you would train to optimise muscle separation / definition ? Well , the old-school folks seemed to think so and I think that it is worth looking into .
Back in the day it was common for the best of the best to be training each body part twice a week , but today everyone is so scared of overtraining that I think they are losing out on potential muscle gain . People are so scared that they will be doing too much , when , in fact , they are perhaps doing too little . Who knows ? You wont until you try . I was often told by Chris that guys used to do 35-40 sets per body part , sometimes in an hour ! Try that and see what it does to you . Don ’ t be scared to overtrain , give it a try and see how well you fair . Make sure your nutrition is on point otherwise you very well may end up “ overtrained ” or what I like to call underfed .
If you think about it , what builds more muscle ? What should you be doing more of , if building more muscle is what you want ? We see people spending hours on the treadmill in their quest to get lean . Sometimes it works , sometimes it doesn ’ t . Back in the day it was not a priority to get cardio done like it is now . Then again , the standard now is a lot leaner so do you really need all that cardio ? I think there is a middle ground , not too much and not too little so that you can optimise your body composition without having to feel terrible .
These days everyone is so worried about the “ perfect ” diet / training plan / supplement plan - just get started and sort the details out later . I believe that people get too caught up in the details with wanting to get the perfect plan . In reality there is no perfect plan , it is the changes you make to that plan along the way that make it perfect for you . This is where having an experienced coach / trainer can be very helpful and also where the people who have no business in coaching others can hurt your progress the most .


I believe we live in very bodybuilding . I am doing my exciting times in our sport . I best to represent those ideals , am by no means unhappy with all the while paying respect to how things are progressing . how it used to be done by not There is a new breed of forgetting what this sport is all bodybuilder coming through about in the first place . the ranks . One that Is hungry for I found that once I started to scientific data but at the same worry about what really matters , time is as hardcore as they come ; by burying myself in the daily one that can hold conversations grind that I love so much , all the with normal people and still be other “ fluff ” was added to my a champion ; one that is very journey and hopefully it works marketable and very good at that way for you too . M . E
Disclaimer : Muscle Evolution does not condone nor promote the use of performance-enhancing drugs and steroids . The information in this article is provided solely for the purpose of fostering a clearer understanding through education , allowing readers to make informed and responsible decisions .