Muscle Evolution Muscle_Evolution_-_December_2014 | Page 12

M.E PUBLISHER’S LETTER XPAND YOUR VIEW I ’ve been privileged to be able to travel extensively throughout my life, and the one thing that never ceases to surprise me is how travel can broaden the mind. When you’re exposed to one place, one city, one suburb and the same urban fabric for too long, you become restricted in many ways, no matter how much you’ve travelled in the past. Your views become narrowed and your opinions quick and sharp. When this happens you tend to become conditioned to one routine and one way of seeing the things around you. This limits your ability to look beyond a great many things in your life and you slowly become closed off to what really lies beyond your line of sight. Travelling to unknown places and experiencing diverse cultures removes these blinkers, which expands your view and perceptions, as it forces you to look at how others live and see that there’s more to the world than your own personal perspective. It also gets you to think, which is what’s most important. While it’s cool to see and experience things you’ve only ever seen on TV, read about in books or seen in magazines, the experience of learning far outweighs visiting any monument, witnessing a feat of human engineering or indulging in the fame created by popular media or movies. The day you tell yourself you know enough or you can’t learn anymore is the day you stop growing as a person. Period. Over the years I’ve worked on my ability to keep my eyes and mind open and receptive to seeing new things. I always aim to not accept everything I see at face value until I can really understand someone, something or a situation as the truth might be completely opposite to what I initially saw in front of me. In so doing I’ve come to understand the same about bodybuilding. If you took all the top pro athletes in the world, stood them in one long line, and asked them the same questions I can guarantee you that you’ll get a different answer from each of them as to what works best for them in the sport and as individuals. So what’s my point? Well, it’s simple; there is more than one way to do things in this sport. Whether it’s gaining size, getting shredded or simply living a fit lifestyle, if you ask 12 people their advice, you’ll probably get 12 different responses. The key, however, is that if you listen to those same 12 people very carefully you’ll pick up some consistencies in what they all tell you. What I would like you to take from this publisher’s letter is this: my maths teacher in high school always had a brilliant way of describing the perfect way to do equations. He would say, “When you see a paragraph full of text and numbers just take the meat and throw the bones away”. Apart from the fact that bodybuilders tend to eat a lot of meat, what he was really trying to say is you need to take the important points and disregard the rest. And that’s the beauty of life and learning. Continually expand your horizons and world view by learning to take the important points from the information you’re exposed to, then harness and use them, and disregard the rest of the info that doesn’t apply to you. It’s not relevant. It’s been an incredible year for South African bodybuilding a nd I’m still as proud as ever to work in such a passionate, diverse and incredible sport with such remarkable people. I’m also excited as there’s so much in the pipeline for next year. The few like-minded individuals who drive the progress of this sport each year are all fully motivated to take it one step further, which is why I can guarantee you that we will keep growing as a sport. I for one am ready to take 2015 by the horns, and promise to continue promoting more of SA’s finest talents in all the magazines I publish. I’d like to take this opportunity to humbly thank each and every one of you for continuing to support our efforts in promoting this great sport, and for helping to take bodybuilding and fitness to new levels in SA. I’m honoured and privileged to be able to do what I do. Enjoy issue 68 and all the best for 2015! Andrew Editor-In-Chief OVER 72 000 MAGAZINES PRINTED (COMBINED) 10 Muscle Evolution PAGE CAPE 30 CONQUERER FROM THE PUBLISHERS OF