Muscle Evolution | Page 91

4. Pull air into the needle and inject it into the vial. This creates pressure in the vial, making it easier to draw the steroid out with. 5. Draw the solution into the syringe by pulling on the stopper while the needle is facing up. 6. Pull the needle out of the vial when you have the desired amount of steroid in the syringe. 7. Hold the needle upright and tap the sides until the air bubbles are at the top, then push them out by tapping the plunger a bit. 8. Now you can either change the needle, or use the same one to inject yourself. If you are drawing from 2-3 vials, then you might want to replace it at the end before you inject yourself. 9. Stretch the skin on the area of your glute you are going to inject with your thumb and forefinger. 10. Holding the needle like a dart, push it, in a single smooth motion all the way into your muscle. 11. Draw back slightly on the plunger, and make sure it doesn’t fill with blood. If it does, you are in the wrong spot and you need to start over in another muscle. 12. Push the plunger in until the syringe is empty. 13. Pull the needle out and put on a Band- Aid. You can massage the area a little if you want, as this can decrease soreness the next day. I “FOR MAXIMUM RESULTS, YOU WILL ALWAYS SHOOT IN THE LARGEST MUSCLE POSSIBLE.” f you are shooting elsewhere than the glute, pretty much aim for centre mass and avoid visible veins, but follow the same basic procedure that I just shared with you. I don’t recommend shooting more than 3ml of anything into a given injection at any given time. If you are using a particularly thick steroid (by that I mean the oil is viscous) then you may want to hold the syringe part horizontal under hot tap water for a minute. This will heat the oil slightly and let it flow more smoothly. Just remember to keep the cap on the needle while you run it under water. Personally, I’ve injected in my glutes, biceps, quadriceps, triceps, traps, and deltoids. I’ve considered calves, but it seems a bit too awkward, and I’ve considered pecs, but it seems a bit too “Pulp Fiction”. I provided information on glute shots because it’s the easiest to explain and because when you shoot “X” milligrams of a given steroid into a large muscle, you will get a higher blood plasma level than shooting in smaller muscles, even when the amount and concentration of the steroid is the same. The lesson here is that, for maximum results, you will always shoot in the largest muscle possible. But you still can’t shoot in the same spot more than once per week because you will develop too much scar tissue. Remember to rotate injection sites if you are doing shots every day or every other day. WHEN THINGS GO WRONG I t is also pertinent to discuss what it’s going to look and feel like if you get an infection. First of all, you’re going to feel a kind of soreness that’s different from a typical injection. It’s going to be more of a sharp pain, as opposed to a dull pain. The next thing is that it’s going to be discoloured around the injection area and, will have a clearly defined border. I’m not talking about a little red area here; it’s more like a very large blister at first with some kind of fluid inside it. Yes, it sounds gross, but wait, it gets better... During the final stage there is a very viscous fluid inside the border, and a very dark discolouration. By this time, it will be a very large protruding bulge that possibly needs to be drained. This final discolouration will be very dark and at this point you’ll definitely know that something has gone terribly wrong. I need to add that you may want to search the Internet for pictures of this, on medical websites, but you should be forewarned that they typically show pictures of very easily diagnosed infections and abscesses. What this means is that you’ll be looking at a very large and absurd picture, which may look quite different from your own infection or abscess, if that’s actually what you have. M.E Disclaimer: Muscle Evolution does not condone nor promote the use of performance-enhancing drugs and steroids. The information in this article is provided solely for the purpose of fostering a clearer understanding through education, allowing readers to make informed and responsible decisions. *This excerpt has been adapted, with permission, from the book “Anabolic Steroids Ultimate Research Guide. Vol. 1” by Anthony Roberts (Published by Anabolic Information, LLC, 2005.