Muscle Evolution | Page 111

SIBUSISO KHUZWAYO THE RISE OF THE NEXT GENERATION P eople in this industry have said that I’m part of a new breed of young athlete; a new generation of bodybuilders who sport the muscular development and conditioning that were previously the reserve of the more experienced, more mature athletes. That may be the case, but I would have to credit these more experienced athletes for our ability to achieve what we have so early in our careers. You see, knowledge is, by far, the most important element for young athletes. In our youth we have all the energy, motivation and time needed to be successful, but we’re naïve. Sound knowledge and know-how are the lacking elements to success. That is why I knew I needed the right guidance when I first entered this sport. Thankfully I found a trainer who had the tools needed to shape me, in the form of Stone Cele. The House Of Stone team has been a great place for me to learn about SIBUSISO SAYS “Knowledge is, by far, the most important element for young athletes. In our youth we have all the energy, motivation and time needed to be successful, but we’re naïve.” training and teamwork. They have coached me and educated me on the different training techniques and on lifting form. In addition, as all athletes come to know, bodybuilding is an individual sport and one can easily become swept up by narcissism. However, working in a team teaches one to be less selfish and more selfless. The final step in my ultimate success as a young athlete was finding the right dietitian as diet is so important to your ultimate success in this sport. As the saying goes, “everyone can lift weights, but not everyone can diet”. And that is so true! Thankfully Niall Naidoo has helped me tailor a nutrition protocol to get me through my contest prep and the off-season. More importantly though he is also using our time together to educate me. We have been trying some new dietary techniques such as flexible dieting and isocaloric counting, and we constantly monitor my body to see how it responds. Once I had all this guidance in place the rest was up to me. I simply had to implement the training and diet protocol effectively and consistently, and the results soon followed. However, despite this support and assistance it’s still easy to want to give up because you might not see the results you want or because you don’t have the resources needed to succeed in this sport. I know I nearly did, but then I read a quote from Andrew Hudson: “Rock bottom has produced more champions than privilege”. I now understand that success can be a lousy teacher as it can make one think they can never lose. That’s why my goal is to always out-do my last performance.