Municipal Monitor Q3 2017 | Page 19

E.A.DanbyAwards The objective of the E.A. Danby Award is to recognize and honour municipalities that have demonstrated outstanding achievement through innovation with respect to municipal management activities or practices implemented for the purpose of delivering improved municipal programs and services. This award is named in recognition of AMCTO’s first president, E.A. Danby, who was instrumental in establishing the Association and its commitment to improvements in municipal government through education, training and knowledge sharing. Named in honour of AMCTO’s founder and first president, the E.A. Danby Award is a tiered award program recognizing municipalities for projects demonstrating implementation excellence in the categories of municipal finance, municipal administration and the implementation of legislation. Awards and Certificates of Merit are presented annually within each of the following two tiers: Municipalities with a population of less than 20,000; Municipalities with a population of 20,000 or more. In the category of Municipal Administration (Population 20,000 or more) City of Thunder Bay – Walk a Mile Film Project T he Walk A Mile Film Project, which premiered on Feb. 6, 2014 in Thunder Bay, is a collaboration of the City of Thunder Bay’s Aboriginal Liaison Unit with Thunderstone Pictures, and is a series of five short documentary films that are designed to educate and encour- age frank conversations in our community about the reality of the life and history of Aboriginal peoples both here and across Canada. The films, which are the creation of award- winning indigenous filmmaker Michelle Derosier, are each 15-17 minutes long and address subjects such as treaties, rac- ism, violence against women, and the way forward. The need for the films arose from the work of the Aboriginal Liaison Unit and the recognition that both within the Corporation and in the community at large there was not a good, common understanding of the history and issues impacting the Aboriginal community today. John Hannam, the City Clerk of Thunder Bay, and Michelle Derosier met and began a discussion that led to the creation of the films as a training tool to work towards correcting that gap in understanding. Municipal Monitor 17