Municipal Monitor Q2 2017 | Page 5

PRESID ENT’S ME SSAGE 2016–17 AMCTO Board of Directors Stephane Palmateer, AMCT President City of Timmins Christopher Wray, AMCT Immediate Past President Municipality of Wawa Yvonne Robert, CMO, AMCT Vice President / Director at Large Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley John Hannam, CMO Director at Large City of Thunder Bay Marsha Paley, CMO Director at Large Municipality of North Middlesex Robert Tremblay, CMO, Dipl.M.A. Director at Large Municipality of Meaford Michelle Casavecchia-Somers, CMO Zone 1 Board Director Township of Malahide Pamela Fettes, CMO, Dipl.M.A. Zone 2 Board Director Township of Clearview Angela Morgan, CMO Zone 3 Board Director City of Burlington Stephen Huycke Zone 4 Board Director Town of Richmond Hill Elana Arthurs, CMO Zone 5 Board Director Township of Cavan Monaghan Dean Sauriol, CMO, Dipl.M.M. Zone 6 Board Director Township of Laurentian Valley An Incredible Learning Experience B y the time you read this— my final article for the Municipal Monitor—my term as presi- dent will basically be com- plete. As I reflect back on my year as president, there are a number of things that stick out for me. First, I have to admit that this has truly been a most remarkable year for me personally and profes- sionally. Getting to travel around “ By Stephane Palmateer, President, AMCTO the province, connecting with peers, colleagues and friends alike, was an experience I will never forget. AMCTO and its members should be extremely proud of who they are as professionals and more importantly as people. No matter where I went, I managed to learn something new or lea rn a new way of doing things, and was always made to feel welcome by our membership. I would like to thank all of you for your support, help and encouragement this past year. This truly was an amazing year and an unforgettable experience. ” Carol Trainor, AMCT Zone 7 Board Director Township of St. Joseph Amy Vickery-Menard, CMO Zone 8 Board Director Township of Evanturel MUNICIPAL MONITOR 3