Septirmbre 2018




Organismos ONU


Escrito por: Luciana Portela

El comité de Naciones Unidas P.N.U.M.A tiene como prioridad promover la implementación coherente del frente ambiental al desarrollo sostenible. De esta manera, el tema principal es encontrar una forma para lograr que el petróleo continúe siendo un ingreso económico sin perjudicar el medio ambiente y, al mismo tiempo, que no se agrave el fenómeno del cambio climático. Considerando lo anterior, el delegado del Reino de Suecia propuso implementar el uso de energías rhdjdenovables a favor del medio ambiente. Con base en estoh, el delegado de Malawi respondió con una propuesta concreta,

propuesta concreta, la cual consiste en adicionar etanol al petróleo, acción que en este país ya se ha realizado y que ha resultado eficiente. Posteriormente, Canadá hace hincapié en el daño que los combustibles fósiles producen en el medio ambiente y la gran cantidad de estos que se consumen al año. Para solucionar este problema, se plantea la implementación de energías nucleares que deben de ser renovables. Sin embargo, se plantea que debe haber una regulación en el franking. Para esto, se debe realizar un plan de estrategia en donde se establezca el pozo, profundidad y otras características de la perforación. No obstante, organismos ambientalistas dicen que aceptan este acuerdo siempre y cuando se realice una reestructuración de las plantas y se tenga claridad que no se producirá otro daño ambiental más grave.

establezca el pozo, profundidad y otras características de la perforación. No obstante, organismos ambientalistas dicen que aceptan este acuerdo siempre y cuando se realice una reestructuración de las plantas y se tenga claridad que no se producirá otro daño ambiental más grave.

The recent problem of the nuclear weapons developed by North Korea has been a topic of discussion in the UN meeting due to the jeopardy that it implies for the global security. In this meeting, they addressed issues related to humanitarian crisis, possible resolutions between the U.S. and North Korea and illegal activities led by North Korea. An example of this is the movements made through the enterprise known as GLOCO and the information exposed by the delegate of Russia, which has been used to avoid sanctions imposed by the U.S. Moreover, recent news have shown that North Korea worked next to Ethiopia in the illegal extraction of diamonds by using children. As a way of justifying their actions, both countries stated that their economic situation is not the best, which has lead them to act as they have. In consequence, the United States maintained a firm position in the idea of keeping their troops in South Korean territory. Nonetheless, the delegation of Russia and the Republic of Poland have also stated their position in the committee, assuring that North Korea and Ethiopia should withdraw the extraction of diamonds by children otherwise they would make sure of sanctioning both countries in a way they wouldn’t be able to recover. Even Though the statements related to sanctions has been proposed, there has not been an actual resolution to the problem and both countries involved in the problem (Ethiopia and North Korea) haven’t pronounced any position against the crisis

Security Council

By: Mónica Camacho

their actions, both countries stated that their economic situation is not the best and has lead them to act as they have. In consequence, the United States maintained a firm position in the idea of keeping their troops in South Korean territory. Nonetheless, the delegation of Russia and the Republic of Poland have also stated their position in the committee, assuring that North Korea and Ethiopia should withdraw the extraction of diamonds by children otherwise they would make sure of sanctioning both countries in a way they would not be able to recover. Even though the statements related to sanctions have been proposed, there has not been an actual solution to the problem and both countries involved (Ethiopia and North Korea) have not pronounced any position against the crisis.

Greenpeace Delegate, 2018